
Meet the woman behind the brand.

Hi there, I'm Isabella!

Isabella: The Designer and owner of Isabella Eve Apparel

As cliché as it sounds, I have always had a passion for fashion- so when it came time for me to head to college, I didn't think twice about pursuing a degree in fashion. 

I graduated in 2021 with my BFA in Fashion, and throughout the entirety of my undergrad, I knew that having a business of my own was my ultimate goal. Though, I never thought I would be pursuing it so soon after my graduation! Things just happened to pan out nicely for me, and I hit the ground running, officially launching Isabella Eve Apparel in May of 2022.

Over 2020 (not going to get into all of that haha), while stuck at home and finishing up my degree, I really started to realize how detrimental the fashion industry is to the planet + all the while focusing on my thesis and coming up with my brand identity. In doing so, the initial idea of Isabella Eve Apparel came to focus. A colorful, bold, planet pleasing brand of my own!

Anyway, I'm so happy you're here and that I am able to continue doing what I love through this brand!


