Our Available Prints

Meet the Prints!

All of our prints are hand drawn by Isabella herself, and then printed onto fabric to be made into fabulous slow fashion garments!

In Stock Prints

These prints are fabrics I do my best to keep in stock and on hand! They are the most popular, and will change from time to time based on order popularity!


Available COTTON SATEEN Prints:

For prints that aren't currently available in this fabric, please reach out through the custom request form, and I'll be happy to bring your vision to life!


Available RIB KNIT Prints

For prints that aren't currently available in this fabric, please reach out through the custom request form, and I'll be happy to bring your vision to life!



"Retired" Prints

These prints are not currently used, though they are still available to be ordered in for you for an extra charge! Please submit a Custom Request Form and I can help you out!